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A mortifying 'dance like nobody's watching' tweet from Sean Spicer's replacement inspired a brilliant Twitter thread

Tweet like you’ll never get an important job.

Anthony Scaramucci arrives at Trump Tower Source: SIPA USA/PA Images

YESTERDAY A GENTLEMAN named Anthony Scaramucci was unveiled as the new White House Director of Communications, replacing the beleaguered Sean Spicer.

Scaramucci, an entrepreneur and financier, took to the podium yesterday afternoon and seemed to embrace his new role with gusto, repeatedly declaring his love for the President.

Scaramucci is an avid Twitter user with 510,000 followers. (He also inexplicably follows 168,000 people.)

As is par for the course, people started combing through his tweets in the hope of unearthing some gems.

A quick gander through old tweets revealed that Scaramucci disagrees with Trump and the Republican Party on everything from erecting a border to gay marriage to climate change.

Interesting. Very interesting.

Scaramucci later downplayed these statements as his personal views and irrelevant to the new administration.

Whatever you say, Mooch.

But if there was one tweet that gave people a good chuckle, it was this one.

Here is Anthony Scaramucci, a very powerful man in the White House, suggesting that Mark Twain originated the Instagram platitude, “Dance like nobody’s watching…”

Mark Twain did not say this.

In fact, an extensive investigation by Quote Investigator attributed the phrase to a 1987 song by Susanna Clark and Richard Leigh, although it remains unclear whether it may have predated them.

And so, people began sending incorrectly attributed quotes to Anthony Scaramucci.


tommy Source: Tommy Vietor/Twitter

re Source: RogueRefugee/Twitter

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bsl Source: BlisterPearl/Twitter

eva Source: Mara Wilson/Twitter

It was pretty much the greatest thread ever.

You couldn’t make it up, could you?

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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